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Asked by: 1314 views Insurance Questions

At Insurance FAQ  –  we appreciate your privacy and hope that you feel comfortable trusting us. we  provides a Insurance comparison shopping service that enables consumers to compare prices. We believe that you have a right to know what information we collect, how we intend to use that information, whom we intend to share it with, and what measures we take to keep that information secure.


Collecting Your Information

We collect information at several stages during your interaction with . When you first enter our site, we note your IP address and time of your visit. As you browse the site, we record your zipcode via a cookie so we can serve more location specific information on your next visit. We will not collect any personally identifiable information about you. Cookies do not recognise you as a person, just your computer.


You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits although in that case you may not be able to use certain features on our site.


Third Party Advertising

We work with third parties who use cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information when you visit our Web site and other sites. This information may be used to provide you with better shopping or savings opportunities through advertisements on this and other Web sites that you visit, or to conduct market research and website analysis.



User Submitted Reviews

We discourage you from entering any personal information and please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily tell personal information online – for example through e-mail, discussion lists, or elsewhere – that information can be collected and used by others. In small, if you post personal information online that is accessible to the public, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return. It is not required for you to submit personally identifiable information to enable you to submit a review.



Sharing of information

We does not share any contact information or IP address information with its partners. We will only use information that helps our customers to find the lowest prices.



How We Protect Your Information

The privacy and protection of your personal information is vitally vital to us. The site does not make personal information available to any third parties without your permission. Any user statistics that we may provide to prospective advertisers or partners regarding your website usage are provided in the aggregate only and do not include any personally identifiable information about any individual user.


This Website Privacy Statement is effective as of the date listed below. Even if you read and/or agreed to a prior policy statement, you need to review this updated version. If we choose to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, or other places we deem appropriate so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we tell it. We will use information in accordance with the privacy policy under which the information was collected. If, but, we are going to use users personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection we will say users by posting a notice on our Web site for 30 days.



We welcome any questions or comments you have about our privacy practices. Please feel free to contact us at: Feedback.


Effective Date: Privacy Notice last modified July 1, 2011.

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